Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mold and Home Inspections

Mold grows everywhere, but something new homeowners may not realize is that a mold inspection of a home before they sign the final papers is essential to make sure that their new place is not contaminated with it. This should be done in addition to a structural inspection that ensures that the building is not structurally compromised in any way. This crucial information can make or break a real estate deal and cost the buyer thousands of dollars if it is not discovered, but the unfortunate thing is that a great many people in the process of purchasing a home do not think to have a professional inspection done.

Before you purchase a home, hire a building inspector to look all around the property, including the grounds it is built upon, to look for problems with the structure or the surrounding area. The area underneath the home needs to be checked for foundation issues like the rotting of support beams and floor joists. Infestations of snakes or anything else under the home is also considered a problem, since the new owner will have to pay for an professional to exterminate or remove the problem. The same extermination problem can be faced in attics where large numbers of bats and birds have been found.

An inspection should also be done of the central heat and air system. Having this repaired or purchasing a new air conditioner is a major expense and you should consider having the seller have it fixed or replaced unless the sale is noted as being “as-is”.

The home should also be inspected for areas of water damage. Where there is water damage, there is usually mold growth, and both can be terribly expensive to repair, depending upon the extent of the damage.

The mold inspection should include the entire house, but there are four major risk areas for mold growth that should be scrutinized the most heavily. This is the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and basement. If you inspect all 4 of these areas and do not find any mold on your own, then you can feel somewhat safe that the mold inspector will not find anything when he completes his own inspection of the property. It is somewhat unlikely that you will find mold growing in other areas of your house as long as these 4 areas are found to be clean.

Getting a home and mold inspection should be the first thing on your list once you pick a home that you wish to purchase. It can potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars in the long run.